Silt is composed of mineral, and rock particles, and is a solid sediment that is transported/deposited by wind, water, and ice. The mineral, and rock particles are smaller than the size of sand, but they are larger than clay.
When soil that has silt in it is wet, it is slippery, and does not have a grainy texture. If however, the content of silt in the soil is above 80%, the soil itself is referred to as silt.
When water, and ice erode rocks, as as water carries the tiny rock particles, they rub against stream beds, and chip more rock. In this process, the rock particles continue to become smaller; until they turn into silt. Glaciers erode rock, and wind can force the rocks to grind up against each other, or canyon walls. Thus creating silt.
Soil heavy in silt, is good for agriculture. Silt retains water, and promotes air circulation.
Rutledge, K. et al. (2011). Encyclopedic Entry: Silt. Retrieved from: